Level 3 NICU Care
We feel pleased to inform you that we have further upgraded our NICU to level 3 care with special focus on improving point of quality care at every domain. To improve Neuro developmental outcomes in high risk babies particularly those with birth asphyxia we support them by providing Therapeutic Hypothermia through Servo controlled machines Criticool and Continuous Amplitude EEG monitoring.
For preterm and Extremely low birth weight babies we nurture them in World’s best Maternal womb like care in Giraffe Incubator. With excellent Thermoneutral environment, with no external noise of ICU and Fully automatic Air and skin temperature control these critical babies are taken care at our Unit.
- We provide TPN, Ventilation all types like noninvasive-CPAP,HHFNC, to invasive conventional and High frequency ventilation.
- We screen Babies for ROP, perform metabolic screening,Hearing screening and provide High risk follow up care with Early intervention facilities
- We have 24/7 emergency services by qualified pediatrician and neonatologist with supporting team of trained staff.
- We have 24/7 Neonatal Transport services with transport incubator and ventilator.
- We have non invasive monitoring of jaundice in Newborn babies with transcutaneous bilirubinometer.
- We are doing at par surgeries in neonates with excellent postoperative care and outcomes like we had successfully operated 5 cases of esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula in last month and all babies went home with great efforts of our team
- We have managed newborn with maximum ventilation invasive for 17 days with non invasive for another 10 days and baby was discharged home with intact outcome in all aspects.
Among preterm care we have saved many babies between 700 gms-1 kg and smallest baby survived was with birth weight of 600 gms and gestation age of 26 weeks .